About Us

Thriving Together

Public ARt for Public Health

The Project

Bloomberg Philanthropies invited mayors to apply for a $1 million Public Art Challenge grant. The Public Art Challenge brings together mayors, residents, and artists to develop innovative, temporary public art projects that address important civic issues in their communities. Thriving Together Atlanta is the City of Atlanta’s selected Public Art Challenge project.

Thriving Together Atlanta represents an innovative collaboration between the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs, the CDC Foundation, National Black Arts Festival, and Out of Hand Theater. This public art project examines the city’s complex history and raises awareness of social determinants of health, such as food insecurity, discrimination, environmental factors, and income disparity. 

Thriving Together Atlanta is engaging communities through the power of arts and culture to educate, empower, and mobilize individuals toward positive change. Thriving Together Atlanta serves as a model of how cross-sector partnerships can address multifaceted issues affecting communities today. 

Our Why

Although Atlanta is often celebrated for its diversity, it has frequently experienced a “tale of two cities” reality. In the 1960s, for instance, the construction of an interstate highway system further divided Metro Atlanta residents along racial and socioeconomic lines, creating gaps in social services and access that have persisted to this day.

This Public Art Challenge project, Thriving Together Atlanta, offers an opportunity for the City of Atlanta, the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs, the CDC Foundation, Out of Hand Theater, and the National Black Arts Festival to use art to engage the community around this issue and pose thought-provoking questions. This approach aims to spark discussions among diverse stakeholders about shared solutions for social change.

Our goal is to educate audiences and inspire business leaders, healthcare professionals, community members and policymakers to take meaningful action within their spheres of influence. By doing so, we hope to unite Atlanta residents in a vision for a healthier, more city where everyone can thrive.

The task is complex, but the mission is clear. Together, we can create a thriving, healthy Atlanta for everyone.

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